Greg and his family at an Ohio State football game

Greg and his family at an Ohio State football game

This month we’re highlighting Greg Smith. Greg has been involved with the Ohio Animal Foundation board for several years and in 2025 became the new board president.

Why did you join the Ohio Animal Foundation as a board member?

I wanted to make a difference and help support animals in need in the central Ohio area.

How long have you been a volunteer/board member for the Ohio Animal Foundation?

3 years 

What do you like most about being an Ohio Animal Foundation volunteer/board member?

Meeting people who have the same goals and objectives to help animals in need.

Tell us more about yourself.

My wife Ashley and I have two daughters, Charlotte who is 7 and Madison who is 5. Both girls love to help with OAF events whenever possible. 

How many pets do you have? Tell us all about them!

We currently have one dog named Franklin. He is a 3-year-old American Bulldog. He is full of energy and loves playing outside with the kids.

Greg's family dog, Franklin

Greg’s family dog, Franklin

Where did your love for animals come from?

From my mom. We’ve had animals in the family for as long as I can remember. We used to help volunteer at the local humane society when I was young. 

What are three fun facts about yourself?

I played baseball from the time I was 5 up until college. In college I took 3 years of American Sign Language. I run a yearly charity golf outing in honor of a childhood friend who passed away. 

What role have animals played in your life?

They make everything better. No matter how bad your day has been, they will always be excited to see you when you get home. They’ve always picked me up when I’ve felt down.