Every October, Ohio Animal Foundation holds our annual Tackle Pet Hunger food drive in central Ohio. The goal of the Tackle Pet Hunger (TPH) program is to provide temporary pet food assistance to families experiencing economic hardship so pets can stay with their families and not be relinquished to the shelter. During the campaign, cat and dog food donations are accepted at collection sites across central Ohio, as well as online. We also accept monetary donations to support the campaign.
Since inception, TPH has provided over 48,000 pounds of cat and dog food for pets in our community. Our 2024 campaign brought in nearly 4,000 pounds. Once received, food is distributed to those in need through community partners such as Sedona Grace Foundation (sedonagracefoundation.com), the PetPromise Pet Food Pantry (petpromise.org/petfoodpantry) and Faithful Forgotten Best Friends (ffbf-columbus.org).
Sedona Grace Foundation provides pet food care packages to central Ohio food pantries. Food from the 2024 TPH campaign was distributed to 17 pantries in November/December.
Food received by Faithful Forgotten Best Friends and PetPromise is distributed directly to clients in need. Over 150 dogs and over 200 cats were fed with pet food received through TPH last fall.
Many thanks to everyone who supported the 2024 Tackle Pet Hunger campaign and to our sponsors and distribution partners. Together we are keeping pets with the families who love them!
(If you are struggling to feed your pet, visit the Ohio Animal Advocates statewide resource listings to find pet food assistance near you.)