In May, we’re continuing our Ohio Animal Foundation (OAF) board member spotlights by getting to know Geoff Pickard. Geoff has served on the OAF board for over seven years, including five as treasurer.
Why did you join the OAF board?
I wanted to give back to the community and have always had a love of animals, so I wanted to join an organization that was focused on creating a positive impact for animals in Ohio.
What do you like most about being an OAF board member?
I enjoy seeing the outcomes of the projects that we help to fund with our grants.
How many pets do you have? Tell us about them!
We currently have 3 cats. There is a red one named Peanut, a black and white one named Kitty, and a black and white one named Bootsie. Peanut and Kitty were both adopted from shelters here in Columbus, Ohio about 10 years ago. Bootsie is an outdoor cat that started coming around our house a couple years ago and has chosen to spend most of his time with us.
We know you love animals, but what else do you do for fun?
I am a big sports fan. I have season tickets to the Columbus Crew soccer games and also try to go to as many Clippers baseball and Blue Jackets hockey games as possible.
If you could travel anywhere in the world, where would you go and why?
Everywhere!! I love traveling and going to new places. I enjoy meeting new people and learning about their culture and how life is different in different parts of the world. I also really enjoy trying all the local food and drinks.
Cats or dogs?
I love both. We currently have only cats but I would love to change that sometime soon!