August has arrived, bringing with it the hottest part of the Midwest summer. Many of us are still engaged in outdoor activities and recreation such as attending summer festivals and fairs, and often want our pets to enjoy these experiences with us. Plan ahead and keep these tips in mind to keep your pet happy and healthy when it’s hot outside:
Flee, fleas! These pesky insects can cause more misery than just itchy bites. Flea allergy dermatitis results from sensitivity to flea saliva and can drive your pet to scratch himself to the point of hair loss and scabbing. Another unwanted gift from the flea is tapeworms; pets can get them while grooming by swallowing a flea infected with tapeworm larvae. To fend off these pests, treat your pets for fleas beginning in early spring and throughout the summer. Vacuum your home and wash pet beds regularly. Did you know that even 100% indoor pets can benefit from flea treatments? Ask your vet if you’re not sure whether flea treatments are recommended for your pet.
A hot pet is no laughing matter. When people get hot, we sweat. Cats and dogs don’t have that ability; instead, they shed heat through panting and through the dilation of blood vessels near the face. When these strategies aren’t enough, your pet can quickly develop life-threatening heat stroke. Symptoms of heat stroke include frantic panting, drooling, glassy eyes, collapse, seizures, and bloody diarrhea and vomiting. If you suspect your pet has heat stroke, get her out of the heat, cover her with a cold, wet towel, and get her to the vet as soon as possible.
Don’t take your dog for that afternoon jog. To prevent heat stroke, keep your pet in cool shade or air-conditioning during the hottest part of the day, and don’t allow him to overexert himself. Some pets are more susceptible than others to heat stroke, including older or overweight animals, those with thick coats, large dogs, and pets with short snouts, such as bulldogs and Persian cats. Also remember – if the pavement is too hot for your feet to walk on, it’s also too hot for your pet’s paws.
Just say “no” to pets left in cars. Don’t leave your pet in a parked car even for a few minutes. According to the National Highway Traffic Safety Administration , internal car temperatures can rise above 115 degrees on a 70 degree day, and in-car temperatures can rise 20 degrees in as little as 10 minutes. Even cracking the windows or parking in the shade is considered risky. If you encounter a pet that has been left in a parked car, please attempt to reach the owner by asking nearby stores to page them and call your local police.
These treats aren’t for sharing. Most folks know that chocolate is poisonous for cats and dogs. But a whole slew of other people treats are harmful for your pet. The ASPCA lists toxic foods that include garlic, onion, caffeine, grapes, raisins, xylitol, yeast dough, raw or undercooked meat, bones and eggs, alcohol, avocado, macadamia nuts, milk and salt. At barbeques and picnics, bring a bowl of your pet’s own food and leave the guacamole for the humans to enjoy.
There’s no place like home. Summer festivals, concerts and vacations may be enjoyable for certain pets such as easygoing, extroverted dogs, but not all pets will find leaving home to be a stress-free proposition. If you plan to be away for most of a day or longer, make arrangements for a neighbor, friend or pet sitter to stop by your house and take care of your pet. If you do take your pet to outdoor events, don’t forget to bring water and a dish for her to drink out of. And bear in mind your pet’s sensitive hearing when attending loud events such as concerts—the loud music can result in hearing loss for your pet, just as it can for humans.
While it’s true that there are potential dangers lurking at every sunny event, most of the risks are easily managed with a little knowledge and planning. Whether you bring your pet along or leave him at home, keeping these tips in mind can make it easier for you both to relax and enjoy the dog days of summer.
Original article contributed by OAF volunteer Meredith Southard, published in a past issue of Ohio Animal Connection. Information has been updated for accuracy.